%STORY_ID = Request("id")RandomizeFLYCAST = CStr(Session.SessionId) & CStr(Int((1000000) * Rnd))ANCHOR_END = ""HUNDRED = falseif Request("h") = "t" then HUNDRED = true ANCHOR_END = "&h=t"end if Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")Conn.Open CONNSTRINGSTORY_BODY = ""STORY_TELLER = ""STORY_HOMETOWN = ""STORY_AGE = ""if IsNumeric(STORY_ID) and STORY_ID > 0 then Set RS = Conn.Execute("select * from first_kiss where fk_id = " & STORY_ID) if RS.EOF then ErrorOut "Database error. Hit back and retry." end if STORY_BODY = RS("fk_story") STORY_TELLER = RS("fk_name") STORY_HOMETOWN = RS("fk_hometown") STORY_AGE = RS("fk_age") RS.Close Set RS = Nothingend ifsql = "select fk_id, fk_name, fk_age, fk_story, fk_hometown from first_kiss " & _ "where fk_valid = 1 order by fk_entrydate desc"Set RS = Conn.Execute(sql)if RS.EOF then RS.Close Set RS = Nothing Conn.Close Set Conn = Nothing ErrorOut "Sorry, there is a database problem at this time. Please try again later"end ifif HUNDRED = true then for cnt = 1 to 20 RS.MoveNext nextend if%>
VirtualKiss.com : KissStories : First Kiss Stories
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<% if HUNDRED = true then %> Here are the latest 100 archived stories. We display ">20 new stories each day, but set this up to let you read more, in case you miss a day! <% else %> Presented below are today's First Kiss Stories. We add 20 new stories every day, so be sure to check back! If you've missed a day, you can always read through the ?h=t">previous 100 First Kiss stories. <% end if %><% if IsNumeric(STORY_ID) and STORY_ID > 0 then %>Name: <% = STORY_TELLER %> Hometown: <% = STORY_HOMETOWN %> Age: <% = STORY_AGE %> | <% = STORY_BODY %> | <% end if %> Click on the links below to read more stories. Or, submit your own First Kiss Story.

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