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 | | Ah, that first kiss... so nerve-wracking and exciting, all at the same time. Was it a dare? Was it "Spin the Bottle?" Was it all that you had dreamed? Whether it was awesome or awful, it's worth remembering... and sharing with people around the world!
That's why we created Kiss Stories... because everyone has at least one interesting kiss story, and we want to hear yours! Read through our collection of stories: First Kiss, Best Kiss, Worst Kiss. You're sure to learn something, and probably laugh a bit too. Some wacky stuff goes on when lips collide, so read all about it!
 First Kiss Stories - Sometimes it's the most romantic moment of a young life. Sometimes it kicks off careers of amazing kissing. Sometimes you just need a towel and a breath mint. Whatever happens, it's always worth reading about... so send yours in today!
Best Kiss Stories - When everything comes together just right, when all the planets align, and the romance of the moment is so thick you can taste it... that's when a best kiss happens. It may not be the first, it's probably not the last... but it's definitely the best. Let us hear it!
Worst Kiss Stories - You know the kind... clumsy, bad-tasting, and with enough drool to put a labrador to shame. It's your worst kiss ever! Just how bad was it?
If you see yourself being described in a Worst Kiss Story, don't worry. Just go pick up some kissing tips, and you'll be on the road to starring in a Best Kiss Story before you know it. As a matter of fact, maybe you should get kissing tips in your email every day. Hey... better safe than sorry!