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Welcome to the Trunk o' Fun! Yeah, yeah.. we know it's not a lot of fun right now. But we're working on it, honest!
Right now, the only thing in the big trunk are those classic Kiss Quotes that we have all come to love. So go check out what Kevin Costner (as Crash Davis in Bull Durham) or Clark Gable (as Rhett Butler in Gone with the Wind) have to say about kissing. We'd really love to have more of these things, but it's hard to track down good quotes. We'll get more soon though. Really.
If you're looking for Kiss Coupons, Kiss Notes, or Kiss Hangers, they are currently being moved over to the Kiss Prints section. They aren't over there now, because we're trying to update and expand our selection... because YOU demanded it! But... we've got our hands full with a bunch of other stuff right now. We ARE working on all kinds of new stuff, so stay tuned. In fact, it would probably be a good idea if you joined our mailing list so we can let you know when we've got them done.
Meanwhile, why don't you go read some Kiss Stories. People tell us some crazy stories about their First Kiss. And you won't believe some of the Worst Kiss Stories... count yourself lucky if you don't have one of these! If you DO have a crazy kissing story, why not tell us about it.