
 | Oh, we're dedicated alright. In case you doubted our obsession, check out our official E-Kiss vanity plate. |
If you see us drive by, come ask us for some free stickers! |
This page is dedicated to giving credit where credit is due.
VirtualKiss.com is a work in progress, and there is no way we could do
what we do without the help of these fine folks. Please take the time to
learn a little more about those that contributed to making VirtualKiss.com
THE kissing resource on the web.
Marshall Hays
, Clark Allen
, and
Joe Hanish
Hays Internet
Marketing, Inc.
The guys behind the website from Day 1. Marshall makes alot of noise,
Clark draws the wacky graphics, and Joe makes it all appear online. The
website has really grown over the years. It's still baffling to look at
the numbers. You might also like some of our clients' websites as well.
( http://www.hays.net )
Gerald Anderson
We are very thankful to Gerald for helping make the E-kiss possible, way
back in December of '96. His Perl scripting allowed for the e-kiss to
actually work and handle the onslaught of users. He's also the one
responsible for the original Kissing Tip of the Day rotation program. Of
course Joe has since rewrote both of those... but don't worry, Gerald is
back in action in 1999 writing our mailing list server software.
Jennifer Widstrom
Jennifer joined us in January 1999 as our webmistress. She is in
charge of cross links, part-time kissing story editing, and making most of
the changes to the site. She is also in-charge of
EmailAbuse.org website.
David D. Coleman
The Dating Doctor
Check out David's articles in our new
Kissing Interaction Section. You can also go
visit his Official Website: www.DatingDoctor.com
Tiffany Salais
Tiffany has been interning with us since the Summer 1999 . She
has been editing and judging the Dating and Kissing Tip contests. She also
has helped create some of the new content and quizzes that you will all
soon get to see. And yes, some of the quotes in the newsletters are from
her too. She also works on DailyFashion.com.
Kristi E. Sandlin
Kristi was our intern for the Fall 1998. She updated the site, handled
website promotions, and maintained the email.
Thanks to all the loyal visitors of VirtualKiss.com. We truly
appreciate the time you take to explore our site, send E-Kisses, submit
kissing tips and kissing stories, and revel in our world of kissing. We
also thank you for your feedback, which allows us to make this site better
for everyone. Keep it up!