If you saw our website mentioned on TV, radio,
magazine, or newspaper, you could win a prize. click for details.
We finally created a FAN PAGE for VirtualKiss.com on FaceBook. So, go add it to your facebook profile. We haven't figured out what all to do with yet, so maybe you can help us.
Have you got our stickers yet? Our cool stickers remain as popular as ever... be sure to get your stickers.

Kissing Gear STILL makes a great gift for your pucker partner, or even yourself! It doesn't cost that much, the designs are right nifty, and any guy or girl will love that you're thinking about them. Check it out!
We've added some new sections to the website as well, check out our Kissing School or go relive some Kissing Games. See if you have played every game!
Of course, the E-Kissing Booth is
still ready and waiting to blow your virtual kisses to that special